I personally have fourteen years of experience of competing and personal training and have remained committed and disciplined by leading my own healthy lifestyle. Personal tragedy happened to me years ago and that’s when I decided to make the switch and have never looked back. I want everyone to feel as amazing as I do.
Our fitness consultations are complimentary if you are interested in speaking to any one of my trainers in private regarding your fitness goals. The Tucson community is important to me and would like to see more people exercising before it’s too late.
Even if you don’t choose us, please consider an exercise program that works for you. Our bodies are our most valuable and prized possession and we all need to treat it with more kindness and love.
Hope to see you soon. Stay healthy and strong.
- Patricia
At Top Physique Personal Training, we specialize in Total Body Transformations from beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. Our proven track record of completely transforming a person's physique within 12 weeks has been unrivaled in the Tucson area.
What We Do
Are you looking for a personal trainer in Tucson? You're in the right place!
We believe that in 12 weeks you can truly change everything! My signature 12-Week Total Body Transformation truly can reshape and change your body and life.
Learn about our training programs here.

Come and meet
Top Physique Personal Training's mascot:
Leo Gonzales!
Have questions or ready to schedule your free consultation?

Learn more about our philosophy here.
Check out some of my past total body transformations here.
Read some of my testimonials here.
Follow me on Instagram for a behind-the-scenes look at my day.
Click here to meet the rest of team Top Physique!